YAS News - Week 4, Term 1 2022
Bahasa Indonesia
The 4-5 classes are learning some new warm up games. At the start of Indonesian lessons, we have a 5 minute warm up selected by the student who is "Kapten". Warm ups are supposed to get our brains thinking about the Indonesian words and phrases we have learnt previously or are currently learning. Here we are playing challenge connect 4. Each player asks a challenge question eg What is 10 in Indonesian?, and the other player has to answer correctly before being able to take a square on the board.

A note from our Pastoral Care Worker ...
Hello YAS community,
Over the next fee weeks I will be sending through a few thoughts around managing ANXIETY.
I’m here to meet with and chat to if you would like that. Please call the Front Office and I will contact you.
For 24/7 support, please be sure to call Lifeline on 131 141. They offer a compassionate, non judgemental service during for anyone experiencing personal crisis.
Kind Regards, Wendy Lindsay
Pastoral Care Worker/SSO - Yankalilla Area School

Hearing Tests

Attune Hearing are now visiting each week at Greater Fleurieu Medical Centre at Yankalilla. They are offering hearing tests for children 4 years old and above at a discounted rate. The fee is $100 and with a referral from your GP you receive $71.25 medicare rebate. The out of pocket expense would be $28.75.
Attune are the only accredited Hearing Company in Australia. All our reports are signed off by our Audiologist and our ENT and the reports are sent to their referring GP. We are aware there is limited hearing services for children and we are please to be able to now offer this extra service within your community.