YAS News - Week 6, Term 1 2022
A note from the Principal

Hello everyone,
Wow - as the end of Week 6 is almost here, we are officially past the half way mark of Term 1! The remainder of this term promises to be busy with Sports Day, NAPLAN, Wellbeing and Engagement Collection Survey, Harmony Day, Immunisations, SAPSASA Football, Southern Fleurieu Swimming Carnival plus more.
All familes will have received an email to advise that I have been placed by the Department for Education, as Acting Principal for the remainder of Term 1. I will continue to post updates as I receive them.
We are still navigating the COVID situation but we now welcome parents back to the quadrangle area at drop off and pick up times. Parents must enter through the front office and wear masks. QR codes are no longer required. Work experience and work placements can resume and we welcome volunteers back to the school. If your child is isolating, waiting on test results or isolating due to having COVID-19, there is a suite of lessons avaialble here - www.education.sa.gov.au/our-learning-sa/learning-home/about-learning-home
I hope you all have a lovely, sunny long weekend.
UNIFORM SHOP - our uniform shop opening hours are Monday's 8:30am - 9:30am and Thursday's 2:30pm - 3:30pm. You can also download a uniform order form from our website if you know what sizes you require.

A note from our Pastoral Care Worker ...
I mentioned last time I was going to share a little around anxiety. That all too common sense of worry, fear and panic that can overwhelm us, possibly even emotionally paralyse us. When many of us start to ask the questions like “Why? How ? What if? “ On average, on in four people will experience at some stage in their life.
There is a saying that two are better than one, because if one is struggling with a load, the other is there to help them carry it. The load that is playing on your mind maybe family, financial, loss or grief.
Anxiety is an individual walk, but don’t walk it alone. Grab a friend, a mate and tell them you are struggling under the load. You may want a listening ear, a shoulder to lean on or just someone to walk beside you.
Next time, I will share some strategies around managing the symptoms of anxiety. In the meantime, Beyond Blue have loads of information on their site.
If you feel you haven’t got someone to share the load with, contact me at school, you are not a burden, and I care about you.
Kind regards,
Wendy, PCW
8-9 International Studies - connecting with SMPN6 Makassar
This term the 8-9 classes have been using flipgrid to connect with students from our sister school in Makassar. We shared our "5 of the Best" where we selected 5 of our favourite things to share via a flipgrid clip. It was fabulous to get such positive feedback about our Indonesian and our interests. Students in Makassar also sent us clips and we were very impressed with their English! It was great to see that we all shared some of the same interests and favourite things.
Mr Nasir, Bu Taylor and Bu Ellin linked up with the year 7-9 English and Science teachers at SMNP 6 Makassar using Teams. We discussed some of the ways that we could connect our students for learning beyond the Indonesian lessons. We are going to use collaborative platforms like Teams, flipgrid and Google docs to work together. There is about a 2 hour time difference, so it can make face to face classroom link ups a bit tricky - but we look forward to experimenting!

6-7 Rotation Art
We are learning about the colour wheel and colour harmonies. We use the colour wheel to workout which colours work together and how to mix colours.
The artwork we created can be seen in the front foyer. We had to design an artwork which used a colour harmony from the wheel, as well as black and white.
Some harmonies we used were primary, split complementary and triadic. We hope you enjoy our art.

Pancake Day!
Thank you so much for your magnificent support of Breakfast Club Pancake Day last week.
Our band of volunteers whipped up over 200 pancakes. We had approximately 60 children and families join us at the Skate Park for a lovely time of connection and catch-up.
Why pancakes ?
In traditional Christian churches, Pancake Day marks the start of Lent - that is, the 40 day's journey towards Easter. The word Lent is Latin for forty. Pancakes were traditionally made to use up the butter and milk, so a person would go without rich and tasty food for the next 40 days. People would end their fast by gathering together and acknowledging and celebrating Easter.