YAS News - Week 2, Term 3, 2022
A note from the Principal

Welcome to Term 3! I hope you have all managed to grab some of the small glimpses of sunshine and have had some downtime with your families.
We have a busy term with lots of events happening including; Year 6-10 Science Alive excursion, Music is Fun incursion for the R-7 students, Coorong Camp, trial exams, Father's Day Fundraiser, 4-5 camp, immunisations, R-12 Assembly just to name a few!
This term Book Week is in Week 5 and the theme this year is 'Dreaming With Eyes Open'. More information will be published throughout the coming weeks about activities and events happening during Book Week.
Last week our Year 7 and Year 9 students completed an ACARA Item Trial. The aim of the Item Trial is to evaluate NAPLAN test items that are under consideration for inclusion in future NAPLAN tests.
Over the break we have had some staffing changes, congratulations to:
- Pete Owen our Science and Tech support officer as he has won a facilities manager position at another school.
- Emma Zimmerman who is now our Primary Years backfill for Alex Anne.
- Heidi Williams, a parent at our school and recent TRT, has accepted a contract working with Emma in R/1.
- Anna Symonds who was successful in winning the Bright Path Leadership position. Anna is qualified in Bright Path and will be an asset in leading this across our school.
- Welcome to Samara who will be joining our Learning Improvement classroom support team.
Keep warm! Christine
Term 3 - Student Free Days -
- Thursday 8th September 2022 - School Closure, Royal Adelaide Show
- Friday 9th September 2022 - Student Free Day

A note from our Pastoral Care Worker
Have you noticed something new out the front of the school this term?
I am so thrilled that after nearly two years, we have three new flagpoles right outside our main building.
With thanks to Rebekha Sharkie, we were gifted three new flags to fly.
We are hoping to run a mini workshop to show our students the protocols around putting the flags up, when to fly them and how to treat the flags with respect.
Stay tuned for more!
Wendy Lindsay, Pastoral Care Worker

Book Week - 2022
Book Week for 2022 is in Week 5 this term and runs from Monday 22nd August - Friday 26th August.
The theme this year is 'Dreaming With Eyes Open'.
More information following as Book Week approaches.

Book Club - Issue 5, out now!

Book Club, issue number 5 is out now. The due date for orders is next week, Wednesday 10th August.
Here is the link to the Loop online ordering page:
.. and here is the link to view the catalogue for Issue 5
State Country Carnivals
Interested in playing for your area in the state country carnivals? With carnivals in Whyalla, Pt Augusta, Riverland, Yorke Peninsula, Gawler and a few other places over Summer, it’s a great family/community orientated season getting away for a weekend all together! We are looking to put sides in u10 u12 u14 u16 u18 grades! If your interested please e-mail Chadd with your child’s name, dob, gender and your contact details @ uniteddistrictjuniors@hotmail.com once we have some sort of numbers we can start trials!