YAS News - Week 5, Term 3 2022
A note from the Principal

As we enter mid-term – there has been a lot going on at YAS!
Last week was the International Music Expo, including ‘Music is Fun’ concert. At recess time each day we had international music playing and it was lovely to see the students up dancing (and some of the staff!) Our special Independence Day DJs also did a fantastic job. We also had ‘WOMYAS’ disco and the students who attended had a great time.
On Thursday 18th August, we had our first whole school presentation assembly, with staff, students and families – the first one for two years! Congratulations to everyone involved, it was an outstanding event. Mixing with the families at the conclusion the feedback was very positive. The boys played exceptional, the Leaders spoke so well and the R/1 s and Ms Ray dazzled us with their dance moves. Please see below some photos.
Last week I travelled to Adelaide where it was my absolute pleasure to attend the 5th ATSI STEM Congress on Thursday and Friday at the Adelaide Convention Centre. Our students were really engaged and I was so proud of our students, Charlotte and Naturelle who presented at the conference. With over 1000 people attending, this was no mean task. They are part of the SASSTA team who attend UNI SA every Monday. Their presentation was “Return to Sender: The Boomerang” Both girls were amazing presenting their research, conducting an activity and interacting with the audience
We have our Governing Council meeting this evening.
Book Week started this morning with an R-5 assembly and parade in the gym. More information and photos of some of the amazing costumes will follow. The theme of Book Week this year is “dreaming with your eyes open”.
Cockatoo Café will open this Thursday from 10.30am. If you have some spare time, pop in for a cuppa and snack.
We now have 3 new flag poles out the front of the school to fly all 3 Australian flags. A representative from the flag pole company will be coming to the school to show us how to look after the flags responsibly.
Enjoy the newsletter and keep warm, Christine
YAS - R-12 Whole School Assembly

Reminder: the parent survey closes Sunday 28 August

The parent survey is a great opportunity to get valuable insights into parent engagement at our school.
Across South Australia over 16,000 parents have responded to the survey – this includes 29 at our school.
We encourage all parents to participate in the survey, using the unique link that has been emailed to you directly or you can use the following link to the survey:
For more information, please go to www.education.sa.gov.au/parentsurvey

4-5 Bahasa Indonesia
Our focus last semester was asking and responding to questions about ourselves. We are writing a postcard to a school in Port Lincoln, using the questions and answers we have been practicing in class. We also learnt about Ramadan, as it was celebrated last term in Indonesia and other Muslim countries. One of our wonder questions was about why Muslim women sometimes wear a head covering. We explored why through some story books like "Under my hijab" and "The proudest blue" and learnt that some Muslim women wear hijab to be closer to God or to show their faith. Hijab only are worn outside the home and it is a choice whether to decide to wear one.

6-7 Bahasa Indonesia
Last semester we learnt about greetings, introducing ourselves and friends in formal and informal situations. We also looked at different types of food available in Indonesia. Our story text was set in Bali, with some friends going to McDee's to order food. We practiced ordering food, like a hamburger. We thought our hamburger were "Enak sekali" (Very delicious).

International Music Expo
Last week we celebrated Indonesia's Independence Day with an International music Expo, which included the fantastic Music is Fun concert on Tuesday.
During recess, students were introduced to music from around the globe. Some of the songs were suggested by our parent community, others by staff or students. On Wednesday (Independence Day) our guest djs really got the crowd going with songs from Indonesia, Spain and South Korean. It was great to see people remembering the moves from the Macarena and doing some Gangnam Style!
At lunchtime on Monday and Wednesday, we held a WOMYAS disco in the Performing Arts, where again students watched and danced to songs from "all over the world".
In class, students explored the ways the angklung (Tuned bamboo instrument from Indonesia) can be played, while other classes were introduced to Indonesia's Dangdut music, which is a mix of Indian, Arabic and Western music. We saw both the traditional way of playing angklung as well as heard "Dance Monkey" played in the modern one-person way. We played Happy Birthday and Indonesia Raya, Indonesia's national anthem.
International Music Expo

Music is Fun!
Reception - year 7's had a funky time at Music is Fun last week. We learnt many different dance moves, got to wear bright costumes and watch our peers perform. Great work to all those students who joined in the performances and particular special mention to both 4/5 classes work worked hard last term rehearsing their dance to perform at Music is Fun. I am very proud of all the hard work all students put in- Miss Ray
Musis is Fun

Science at the Showgrounds
In Week 2, students from Years 6 – 10 were given the opportunity to visit the Adelaide Showgrounds for ‘STEM Day Out at Science Alive’. It was the first time that our school has attended the event so excitement was high and the turn-out was excellent.
There were hands-on challenges, such as building a pipeline to transport a ball and programming a robot to travel from one location to another. Other exhibits included virtual reality (VR) experiences to try from space exploration to lightsaber games and a supermarket simulator. I even witnessed some of my students get closed inside a giant bubble at one stall.
A large number of demonstrations were also on display; there were army drones, fighting robots, a nitrogen show, and a huge marble run, which students in Year 8 and 9 were similarly challenged to design and construct earlier this year in Science.
Many staff and students have approached the Science team during the week since the excursion took place to share their own highlights from the day and families have shared what their children came home excited about. It was the Science team’s great pleasure to organise this day for our students and let them have an experience out of the ordinary in the curious field of Science!
Connor Jones
Science Alive

8-9 Rotation - The Arts
Visual Arts-
This rotation we explored the elements of art, particularly Form. Our task was to create a sculpture based on one of the United Nations' Sustainable Development goals which we related to most. Our sculptures and reflections were supposed to raise awareness of the SDG and in some cases, promote ways of helping achieve these goals. We had to use at least 3 different connectors eg flange, notch, insert
"Sustainable cities was the goal that inspired my artwork because I am into bike riding and bike riding helps us achieve that goal because it uses no fossil fuels and doesn’t pollute the earth. " - Jayden
"I have chosen the SDG Life underneath water; I have chosen Life underneath water because there are heaps of pollution in the water as well as rubbish that is harming plenty of underneath water animals. My design shows just a little bit of what it looks like when rubbish/plastic ends up under water." - Lily
Our drama group is using the story of Romeo and Julie to create tableaux of the story. We watched the Australian Ballet performance and many clips summarising the story. In groups, we created storyboards, selecting what we thought were the most important parts of the story. We discussed the motifs evident in Romeo and Juliet and tried to choose one to highlight in our tableaux. The tableau pictured is the scene where Romeo first meets Juliet at the ball. Our learning intention is to use tableaux to tell a story and make sure we use levels, proxemics and focus points effectively.

Vac Swim

We don't want you to miss out!
Time is ticking before enrolments open to the public on September the 1st – get in quick to secure your preferred location, time and level!
Spaces are filling quickly at our most popular locations, with some even BOOKED OUT!
Visit our enrolment page to enrol your favourite little one now!
Enrol Now - VACSWIM SA - Childrens Water Safety Lessons - https://www.vacswimsa.com.au