YAS News - End of Term 3, 2022
A note from the Principal

I hope you enjoyed your long weekend and the sunshine, if all but brief. Another term has flown by and what an exciting one it was! I am so happy camps and excursions are allowed again and we have had a term full of them. Some of the Term 3 events, but not limited to included; Science Alive, Book Week, Father's Day Stall, Music is Fun, International Expo, Trial Exams, Royal Adelaide Show, Year 12 Formal and the list goes on ... Next term our school has been selected to go "live" with the new Education Management System - EMS. This will replace the existing system - EDSAS and will significantly increase the way our school communicates to each other / students / families, the reporting system, timetabling and we will also eventually be introducing our community portal for families. Watch this space! An extremely busy but exciting time ahead. Enjoy the next two weeks, enjoy some sun, some happiness and good times with your families. Our staff look forward to coming back, refreshed for the last 9 weeks of the school year.
Take care, Christine
REMINDER - Yankalilla Area School have additional COVID-19 protocols relating to parent/caregiver movement around the school. Families are able to drop off and collect their child from the quadrangle each day. Until notified otherwise, or unless an event is organised, all other areas (including classrooms) are out of bounds.
A note from our Pastoral Care Worker
As we are now at the end of Term 3, I thought I would give you a brief snapshot into my role as PCW term. I attended:
- Uluṟu ‘Statement from the Heart’ information night in Victor in July
- Fleurieu Foundation- Homelessness evening in August
- Disaster and Recovery Ministry chaplaincy training in August.
- 2 Fleurieu network nights.
- Restorative Practice PD - 3-day PD
Community Prayer at Christ Church -alternate Thursday afternoons where I meet with members of the local Christian churches. This is always a source of encouragement.
Breakfast club numbers continues to flourish and nourish around 40 students each Monday and Friday. Breakfast club also supplies fruit to the Canteen for students to enjoy.
Our flagpoles are finally operational. We intend to have a class trained to be responsible for the flags each week.
Emergency cheese toasties - Breakfast club supply the bread and cheese for these. It is another service that I am happy to provide to students who forget their lunch or at times, when the pantry is bare..
Individual student support is a core part of what I do. This may be a casual conversation or an intentional catch-up.
What’s the Buzz? We have had two groups that have gone through the social skills program so far this year.
I hope you and your family are able to enjoy a time of 'kicking back' over the next two weeks. I look forward to our busy term 4.
A couple of Dates for the Diary
- 21st Oct - Breakfast club recommences
- 30th Oct - 'It takes a Village' community event (more details in term4)
- 31st Oct - Sports Day
There is a lot on.... stay tuned!
Kind Regards, Wendy
It takes a Village …. to raise a child” (African proverb)

This is the theme of an exciting Community Family Day hosted by the Yankalilla District Inter Church Council. This unique event is happening on the 30th October, 2022 and links in with SA Children’s Week.
What started as an idea to acknowledge the work of our two Pastoral Care Workers (School Chaplains) has grown into a full day event to share with the community.
School chaplaincy has been a part of our local community for over 20 years. The current Pastoral Care Workers are Gina Hunt working at Rapid Bay and Myponga Primary Schools and Wendy Lindsay at Yankalilla Area School.
It takes a Village …is a day to acknowledge, participate in and celebrate the close connections between School Chaplaincy, the local Christian churches, Yankalilla District Council, the school communities and the broader community.
The day promises something for all ages. Amongst the many activities, there will be a jumping castle, teddy bear’s picnic, face painting, BIG games, cake stall, pop up Op Shop, children’s art display and competition, live music and a DJ. There will be food and coffee available to purchase or BYO your picnic.
It’s all happening at the Lions Youth Skate Park between 11am and 3pm on Sunday 30th October.
Look out for our colourful poster for further details.
For further enquires, please contact Wendy Lindsay at Yankalilla Area School.

Footy Carnival - Parent Feedback
I just wanted to say a big thank you to the school and let you know that myself a few parents thought it was brilliant. The kids had a ball and the teachers could not have been more supportive. It’s nice to hear when staff go above and beyond, it was obvious this took a lot of work behind the scenes and we just wanted to SAY WHAT A GREAT TEAM YOU HAVE!
My boys talked about it all the way home and it was great to see so many happy kids all levels of sport playing together.
Thanks so much Linda and Tyson you are awesome 👏 Enjoy the well-earned break everyone.
Many thanks, Kelly

Bahasa Indonesia/ International Studies
This term we started new topics in all classes. Our unit concepts are based around Building relationships with others
Some classes are doing this through investigating Weather and Fashion and giving compliments, others by looking at Weather and Climate action. The 6/7 classes are making arrangements and accepting and declining invitations politely.
This involves us learning through warm up games, explict, scaffolded learning activities and open-ended tasks, using the language and structures covered in class.
The 89 classes have created a food blog for our sister school students, advising them of the best places to eat around the Fleurieu and making personal recommendations. It was good to read a good spread of local food places are available down here.
In more exciting news, next term we will have a visit from one of the teachers from our sister school in Makassar, Sulawesi. Pak Muhlis will be visiting for a week in week 3 and will be working with Bu Taylor and Bu Ellin in their classes, as well as being involved in other classes. This is the first step in the exchange process and we hope that eventually, we are able to do short term reciprocal visits.
Students translated a short weather forecast and had to make a tableau of the weather described (photos)

2022 Reader’s Rap Competition

Here at YAS we have many students WHOOO are definitely into reading…
Readers Rap is an annual competition open to all students in Year 5 – 6 that have a passion for reading. This competition has been running for over 15 years and is a wonderful opportunity for students with a love of literature to compete against students from schools within the Fleurieu Peninsula.
On Tuesday 20th September Yankalilla Area School hosted the Readers Rap event in our school library. Over 75 students plus staff from Victor Harbor PS, Willunga PS, Pt. Elliot PS, Encounter Lutheran, Investigator and YAS attended the event.
Every student involved in the competition was required to read 2 chosen novels and 1 picture book. This year the texts chosen for the competition included, The Boy at the Back of the Class by Onjali Q. Rauf, Star of Anise by Jane Jolly and Wandi by Favel Parrett. Since the beginning of Term 2 students at YAS have been meeting with Bu Taylor every week to discuss the main points/issues of each story, the characters and plots in preparation for the BIG day.
On the day of the competition students sat with their team-mates and worked together to answer a number of easy and hard question for each book. There was an issues question requiring more thought, that was based on the book ‘The Boy at the Back of the Class,’ and this year a new creative component was introduced requiring students to write a poetry verse.
After lunch Jane Jolly the author of Star of Anise came and spoke to the students about her writing journey, what inspired her to write the book Star of Anise and some myths around authors making lots of money.
It was a close competition with only 4 points difference between 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. A big congratulations goes to The Koalas from Victor Harbor PS, The Bookie Beans from Willunga and The Banned BookClub from Victor Harbor PS.
Thanks must also go to South Seas Books at Pt Elliot for donating all the book prizes, to Christine and Trudy for preparing 75 lunches, Wendy McPhee for her help and creative magic making our library shine, to the District Council of Yankalilla and Lake Alexandrina Council for their donations of money and to all the teachers and support staff who helped prepare their students for the day.
Whilst it was a long day requiring intense concentration, it was wonderful to see so many passionate students coming together and sharing a common interest. Congratulations to the 11 YAS students that took up the challenge and competed in this years Readers Rap competitor. You did an amazing job, well done!
Rotation - The Arts Year 6/7 and 8/9
This term in The Arts the 6/7 classes explored dances from around the world and incorporated motifs from these dances into their own original dances. We looked at dances from Spain, Indonesia and the Djuki Dancers, a first nations dance group. Students collaborated and shared ideas of how to create a dance that communicated ideas, culture and meaning through use of safe dance practices.
In Visual Arts, the 6/7 group looked at the art of Yayoi Kusama, a Japanese artist and how she uses dots. Kusama is famous for her infinity rooms ( rooms filled with lights and mirrors) and her dot art, like the pumpkins displayed in the front office. We will continue to research both her work and the work of First Nations peoples and dots to inspire our own artworks.
The 8/9 rotation group worked on creating the story of Romeo and Juliet through tableaux. As we were lucky enough to see the Australian ballet performance of Romeo and Juliet, we used this as a platform for creating our own versions. Our tableau not only had to show the important parts of the story, but also demonstrate levels, proxemics and focal points. We did have a bit of fun with the costumes too.
Using the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in Visual Arts, students were asked to choose an SDG that they felt passionate about and generate, develop, refine and evaluate a cardboard art sculpture. We had a wide range of sculptures developed, from fish in 'plastic' bag, dragons, sustainable buildings, trees and the Vatican(pictured). Student evaluations demonstrated a good understanding of both the SDG and the process.

4/5 Mylor Camp
This term our 4/5's went on camp to Mylor Adventure Park. It was a camp full of challenges and teamwork. We learnt how to face our fears when going on the giant swing, getting muddy and working as a team through the challenge course and bridge building.
Mylor Camp