YAS News-Week 2 Term 4 2022
A note from the Principal

Welcome to Term 4! Christine Bell has been asked by the Department to support the External School Review team for the first six weeks of this term. I look forward to my role as Acting Principal for the next 6 weeks and welcome you to call the school should you wish to discuss anything with me.
It feels like every Term is getting busier and busier and it is no different to Term 4. As the weeks fly by we have lots of exciting things happening.
I wanted to inform you about some important information for the next few weeks:
- Cassandra, our canteen manager, will be absent from school on Monday 31st October so we have decided to close the canteen on Monday. All online QKR orders have been shut off and students will be required to bring their lunch on this day.
- Due to rain forecast for Monday next week, Sports Day has been postponed until Tuesday the 29th of November (Week 7)! We welcome all families to attend so I hope to see you there!
- Our Amaroo Farm Open Day is on Thursday November 3rd. There will be guided tours at 10:00am, 11:00am, 12:00pm and 1:00pm. For bookings, please email Trudy Noack – noack740@schools.sa.edu.au
- Our Cockatoo Café is open every Wednesday, 10:00am – 11:30am – everyone is welcome!
- Fresh free range farm eggs and our award winning olive oil is available to purchase at the front office as well as relishes and jams.
- Our Term 4 Student Free Day is on Friday 25th
I hope you enjoy the newsletter and hearing about everything that is happening at YAS!
Keep warm, Alex-Anne
REMINDER = As we are approaching the end of the year, please remember to pay your School Fees.

A note from the Pastoral Care Worker
This week I thought I might touch on how to manage disappointment. We are disappointed that the Sport’s Day had to be postponed. Disappointed that the community event It takes a Village has also had to be postponed.
But what do we do when others and / or we our self, let us down.
Disappointment- the sense of non-fulfilled hope or expectation.
Disappointment when left unchecked can send us on a spiral of sadness, spite, bitterness.
Disappointment doesn’t cancel your assignment- so what do we do?
1. Don’t blame yourself or others (we have no power over the weather after all)
2. Meet and consult with trusted others to come up with a fresh idea or strategy.
3. Don’t let the voice in our head tell you ‘it was a hopeless idea anyway’.
4. Regroup, refocus and look forward.
I often use my Kimochi feelings pillows to encourage students. The three key emotions for all of us are Be Brave. Be Hopeful. Be Grateful.
I literally carry these three with me as a constant reminder and encouragement.
Bless your day.
Regards, Wendy
Action Star v Fast Food
Some Art and drama students ventured into the Space Theatre this week to watch the Oz Asia performance " Action Star", which took the audience on a journey through the Action film genre as a theatre show.
By combining martial arts, with choreographed dance sequences, peppered with Action clips from the stars film catalogue and film company, the story of the Action Star was told.
At times the show was funny, sad and thought provoking, as the actors explored topics of racism and discrimination, bullying and the " Me too" movement.
In a question and answer session after the performance, students were able to ask the actors about the performance, their career paths and how the show was created.
Unfortunately, for some of our students, all this was just a segue to the main event; the visit to KFC and Hungry Jack's!
This excursion was made possible through the CentrED equity program subsidy grant. Thank you to
Mr Nasir, the wonderful front office staff, Eric our bus driver and our well behaved students which make all the planning worthwhile.
Bu Ellin

8/9 Urban Camp 2022
During week 1 the 8/9 classes had an action packed 2 and a half days at the urban campsite at Warradale. Ms Chambers and her camp organisation team planned out an exciting list of activities including Bounce, Marion outdoor pool, the movies, bowling, tree walk and shopping at Rundle Mall, to name a few of the activities.
Students reported the camp as being lots of fun and full of lots of cool experiences and they appreciated the chance to spend time getting to know other 8/9s outside of the classroom.
According to many the first day was "amazing", but it was all lots of fun, even if some people had to bravely overcome their fears on the tree climb. The movie "Smile" featured heavily in people's reviews as did the boys dorm sing along. We heard that some people were even considering entering their version of "Call me maybe" into the next Eurovision competition (maybe not!)
As supervising staff member, it was lovely to see students interacting and getting along outside of school. Whilst at the pool at Marion, a random stranger came up and asked what school we were from as he had never seen better behaved students in the change rooms. Well done, people!!
Thank you again to Ms Chambers for her planning and execution of a great camp, Ms Joshua and Mr Shute for sleeping over both nights and to the other staff who helped make it all happen. Thanks too to the students, well done.
Bu Ellin

Visit from Motor Trade Association
On Wednesday 19th October Andrew from MTA (Motor Trade Association) Visited YAS. Senior Students were taught some valuable life skills like how to safely change a punctured tyre, how to check crucial fluid levels, how to spot damaged vehicles and how to spot odometer tampering. Andrew also spoke about the automotive industry, various jobs and apprenticeships and how to have good work ethic. The morning finished off with an interactive game to see how fast a student could change a tyre. Some valuable lessons were learnt by all, and students were asking if it was going to run every Wednesday.
What lovely comments about the experience:
From the time I was with Andy today I learnt the following:
How to: Change a tyre, Check your oil and water levels, Check your coolant. I found this very interesting and very helpful, and I hope to do more of stuff like this in the future. Wyatt
Today I really enjoyed. I had so much fun, I learnt how to change a tyre and how to check the oil. Most of all there was so much to learn I can’t wait to learn more. Brody
The MTA session was really helpful, not only did Andy tell us about how to change a tyre and check oil and coolant but he gave us information for jobs and told us about getting into autos shops and how helpful they are. Bethany
My experience was positive as I learnt new topics and now can safely change a tyre. Andy was welcoming and had an answer to all my questions. I would recommend this to others. Yasmin

Rememberance Day
Remembrance Day marks the anniversary of the Armistice which ended the First World War (1914–18). Each year on the 11th of November, Australians observe one minute's silence at 11 am, in memory of those who died or suffered in all wars and armed conflicts and appreciation of their sacrifice.
In acknowledgment of Remembrance Day on the 11th of Nov 2022 all staff and students will assemble in the quadrangle for a short presentation.
On the day, the bell will ring at 10:50 to indicate the end of recess at which time students will go to the quadrangle. We will share the acknowledgement of country and briefly explain the significance of the commemoration. At 11AM we will observe a minute silence and play the last post.
The HASS committee are planning to share a small display of hand-crafted poppies or wreaths to be placed on the lawn area by the flag poles. The library will also have poppy colouring as a lunch time activity.
We are also planning to have our student leaders and SRC members to represent YAS at the community Remembrance Day Ceremony.
The HASS Team
This week the theme in the YAS Library has been 'Halloween'.
Year 1 students, Riley M and Ayla H created these colourful works of art as a lunchtime activity.

2/3B National Aussie Bird Count Snapshot - Day 2
Students have been unpacking key terms in our Maths Data unit today and applying it to our Bird Count project. They identified that they were collecting daily data. They also identified that they were reading interactive data on the aussie bird count website, as well as contributing their own interactive data to this website. Students created tables in their maths books and recorded their findings. They enjoyed watching the online national bird count rise throughout the day before their eyes! So far this tally is up to 990 208 bird sightings notified on the website.
Today 2/3B posted the following sightings from their walk up at the farm:
8 Australian Magpies, 20 Dusky Woodswallows, 10 Galahs, 9 Little Ravens, 3 New Holland Honeyeaters, 11 Rainbow Lorikeets, 24 Silver Gulls and 19 Sulphur-crested Cockatoos.
They are doing a great job and being very responsible observers!
Kind regards, Sarah Betts

Jump Rope for Heart

Jump Rope for Heart kicks off this term for R-6!
Jump Rope for Heart is the Heart Foundation’s primary school skipping challenge that helps kids move more, have fun and raise funds for lifesaving research and programs.
This year is the 40th year of Jump Rope for Heart! To celebrate this milestone, we’ve got an audacious goal to see our student Heart Heroes at YAS log 40 hours of skipping throughout the program!
It’s important you register your child online, so they can receive the full benefits of the program and participate in online fundraising, simply follow the link below to get started. www.jumprope.org.au/parents
Students will be skipping throughout the term in break times, during this time you can share their online fundraising page with family and friends to help raise money for this great cause.
We will hold our school Jump Off Day on 30 November 2022. This will mark the end of
the program and is a chance for everyone to come together to skip and show off their
newly learned skills.
Thank you for supporting the Jump Rope for Heart program!