YAS-News Term 4 Week 2 2023
A Note from The Principal

Welcome back everyone and I hope this newsletter finds you all in great spirits as we gear up for another exciting term. I spent yesterday collating all the extra activities our staff have organised for our students and couldn’t help but feel very proud of the effort they put in each day.
We are delighted to welcome Haley Prizabilla to our YAS family this term and next as our Acting Deputy. Haley comes with a wealth of knowledge and experience, especially in the areas of secondary education and has a deep passion for education. Haley will be back filling Alex Anne until she returns from maternity leave in term 2 next year. Hayley will then continue on as Acting Principal as I will be taking some leave in term two and will not be returning as your Principal. Haley is married to Michael who owns his own plumbing business and they have delightful mini clone Fletcher. My plan is to become an author and spend some time with my family, and travel Australia writing my first book. I will keep this information brief for this newsletter but will have many opportunities in the next two terms to express my gratitude and opportunity to have played a small part in so many young people’s education. Haley will endeavour to help me with my daily meet and greets at the front of school, so please make yourself known and I am confident our community will welcome and support her as you all did for me.
Last week began with a bang as the Middle School had a wonderful camp in Adelaide. A big thank you to many staff and also some volunteers who helped to make this happen.
The farm and grounds still look amazing and it appears we will be baling over 400 bales this year. We also cleaned up at the show with our Agriculture farm produce and plans are beginning got develop a place in our front foyer for our students to display our produce for sale on a regular basis so watch this space.
Have a great week , enjoy the sun and make some time to take a walk along our coastline it is absolutely beautiful at the moment.
Christine Bell
A Note from our pastoral Care Worker
This week, I thought I would share a couple of poems with you as we celebrate Children’s week. As we know, children can be challenging, frustrating, loving and humorous. Each child is a unique individual, created with their own set of characteristics, strengths, talents and personality. They are a gift.
The Barn Dance is happening this Friday at Amaroo,
Get ready to dance, Les will show us what to do,
Come dressed up, grab a milkshake or coffee from Miss Buttercup.
There will be animals to pat and pony fun too, why not grab a sausage sandwich or two.
Enjoy a chocolate crackle, buy a ticket in the raffle,
don’t forget the cup cakes, we will see you from 5:30, don’t be late!
IT TAKES A VILLAGE...(to raise a child)
Just one more thing to remember, It takes a Village is on Sunday 29th of October, nearly November,
It’s all happening at the Lions Skate Park from 11am, round up the family for a fun couple of hours, 'hallelujah!', the forecast predicts, ‘no showers’.
Hosted by the local Interchurch council, with the generous support of Yankalilla Council.
There will be face - painting and more snags, donuts and cakes, plenty of food to share with your mates.
Try your hand at giant Jenga, come and meet Renee, Mike and maybe Brenda.
If your are under the age of 8, bring your teddy at 12noon for a picnic date,
join in and dance with Miss Ally too - whatever it is you choose to do, it’s sure to be a lovely afternoon with friends from our Yankalilla community.
And by the way, the 27th of October is Happy World Teacher’s Day!
Hats off to Yankalilla teachers, strong and true,
For all the amazing things you do.
With patience and vision you nurture souls,
Helping our students to reach their goals.
With dedication and care, you teach and mould,
The future’s stories yet to be told.
So here’s to you, for the difference you make,
For the paths you pave, and the lives you shape.

Cockatoo Cafe
The Cockatoo Cafe is open to the community again this term from 10-11:30am on Thursdays. Our last day for the term will be Thursday the 16th of November.
Why not come in and try one of our delicious iced-coffees or iced-chocolates! We hope to see you there!

Year 7/8 Urban Camp
The school term kicked off with a burst of excitement for our Year 7 and 8 students as they embarked on an unforgettable urban camp adventure. Over the course of three action-packed days, our students explored a range of thrilling activities that left everyone with great memories.
One of the highlights of the urban camp was the heart-pounding adventure at Westbeach Mega Climb. Our students conquered their fears, scaling new heights, and challenging themselves to reach the top. This experience fostered teamwork, determination, and an incredible sense of accomplishment.
For those seeking retail therapy, the students had the opportunity to explore the shopping meccas of Marion and Glenelg.
A trip to the movies was on the agenda, where students enjoyed the latest blockbusters on the big screen.
Cooling off and making a splash was on the cards at the Marion Swim Centre. Students had a blast in the water, on the inflatable obstacle course. It was a perfect way to unwind on Tuesday afternoon.
Last but not least, Bounce trampoline park provided an exhilarating adventure. Students bounced to their hearts' content, defying gravity and enjoying an adrenaline rush.
The behavior and positive attitudes of our students was excellent. Teachers and SSO’s were thoroughly impressed with their responsible conduct and active participation throughout the camp.
As we wrap up this urban camp adventure, we hope that our Year 7 and 8 students return with a treasure trove of wonderful memories. These experiences not only fostered personal growth and confidence but also strengthened the bonds within our school community. We look forward to many more exciting adventures in the future!

Library News

It's totally wild in the Jungle Nook, with flowing waterfalls, swaying palm trees and cheeky monkeys swinging from the vines. Maddie and Matilda from 2-3A did a great job of taming the big cats in the Jungle Nook today whilst their 2-3A classmates borrowed library books.
Yr 8/9 Home-Ec Rotation Group
The Year 8/9's celebrated in style for their last Home-Ec practical lesson for this year. They made sticky date puddings and they loved them! I loved the smell floating through the Home-Ec building!
I have been so impressed by the cooking skills they have demonstrated and I know that they will be amazing chefs for years to come.
Well done Year 8/9's!
Jade Barry
(Home-Ec Teacher)