YAS-News Term 4 Week 6 2023
A Note from The Principal

Hi everyone
As we dive into the festive season, we are excited to share some remarkable achievements and celebrations taking place within our school. Our students and staff have been hard at work and I couldn’t be prouder of their accomplishments.
Last week our Middle School students displayed their $20 Boss final assignment as an open Market Day to our community. The sun shone and there was so much excellent learning on display as our students endeavoured to sell their wares and make a profit. There was laughter, fun and so much learning. I am sure this is only going to get bigger in the years to come.
This week we celebrated our year 12 students at their final commitment to schooling. The gym looked amazing and there were many compliments form our distinguished guests. We used our new LED electronic screen to share the journey our year 12s have been on for 13 years and there were some happy tears from both parents and our teachers.
We have our R-11 celebrations next week and our year 6 graduation as we invite all our parents and families to actively participate in these celebrations. Your support and encouragement play a vital role in motivating our students to reach new heights.
Thank you for your continued support and I look forward to celebrating the successes of our students together.
Christine Bell
A Note from The Pastoral Care Worker
Our Christmas presentation took place on Wednesday by Schools Ministry Group (SMG).
Saving Christmas saw future time travellers remembering when, back in the day, there used to be Christmas.
We had around 90 Primary students attend. Apart from sharing the story of the first Christmas, students were encouraged to think about how generosity and gratitude plays a huge part of not only Christmas, but every day!
A huge thank you to all the carers/families for your on-going support by allowing your children to attend the Christmas presentation.
Thanks also to staff and teachers for chasing up notes and helping to coordinate the children.
(Wow! SMG had it’s logo up in lights on the new Sportal screen)
Wishing you all a happy, albeit busy, last few weeks of 2023.
Blessings, Wendy Lindsay (PCW)

Middle Years Market Day - 15th of November!
Over the last seven weeks, the Middle Years students (7-9) have been involved in the $20 Boss program. The $20 Boss program is a business program that is linked to the HASS curriculum under the 'Business and Economics' strand.
In groups, the students created their own business ideas, created their own products and sold them at a Market Day. They are business entrepreneurs! Some of the products that were sold on the day were: slime, jewellery, cakes, biscuits, pet treats and skateboard wax.
Thank you to everyone that supported the students and purchased their products. All groups made a profit which was amazing!!
Fingers crossed we can make this an annual event at YAS!
Jade Barry
(7/8 HASS Teacher)

Bahas Indonesia Year 7/8
Over the past two weeks, some students learnt how to make the traditional Indonesian Street Food, Dadar gulung.
Dadar gulung gets its unique taste (and colour) from pandan extract.
The snack received mixed reviews, with some students proclaiming "Saya suka" ( I like it), "enak!"(delicious) and giving it the thumbs up, but others were not fans of the taste or texture.
Thank you to our SSOs for their support during this learning activity.

Mural Painting
Last week certainly was a busy week at YAS with Market Day, the completion of the Year 12 exams, transition morning for the kindy students and the shipping container mural painting. The shipping container mural project has been 4 years in the making.
Back in 2019 the ATSI Team invited the whole school to be part of a very unique mural project. To set the scene the team asked students to watch the film produced by the District Council of Yankalilla. Whilst watching the film we asked the students to think about how they connected to and identified with any of the places that were on the film, then we gave them the mural brief …
Imagine you were an Indigenous person living somewhere in the Fleurieu Peninsula (Yankalilla, Myponga, Normanville, Carracklinga, Parawa, Cape Jervis, Second Valley, Rapid Bay or Wirrina) before white people arrived.
Draw a picture or create a design that reflects how you might have connected to or identified with any of those places.
We collected all the student’s art work and taking bits and pieces from a number of the designs created a story collage.
With funding from the Wellbeing Grant money we commissioned Niccy Pallant, an Artist in residence, to come to YAS and work with students to paint the mural. For the past 25 years Niccy has worked as an Arts educator and leader in South Australian schools, whose lifelong dream is to work as an artist. Niccy took our design and spent the 3 days working with many YAS students to make our dream come true.
The mural still needs a bit more work and Bu Ellin has kindly offered to work with students to add the final details and I look forward to sharing the finished product. In the meantime if you get the chance take a wander down to the farm and spend some time looking at what has been done.
Thank you to all the people involved in this project and a big shout our to Niccy and all the students that helped prepare the shipping containers and contributed to the mural painting, it is another YAS project to be very proud of.

Tarnanthi Art Exhibition
Tarnanthi is an exhibition at the Art Gallery of South Australia showcasing contemporary Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander art. The exhibition celebrates the rich cultural heritage of Australia's First Nations people. Featuring a wide range of artworks, including paintings, sculptures, textiles, and new media, created by Indigenous artists, these artworks explore a variety of themes, including cultural identity, connection to land, social issues, and the intersection of traditional and contemporary influences.
This week some Year 7-10 students enjoyed contemplating the intersection of art with pop culture and history through art. We travelled to AGSA in the city, thanks to a transport subsidy grant provided by BHP. While on tour, we noticed that many Indigenous artists use their work to engage with contemporary issues, challenge stereotypes, and contribute to a broader understanding of Australia's history. Vincent Namatjira, a South Australian artist featured, was very popular with students, as his pictures depicted relatable scenes with famous people, made humorous with the addition of characters like Vincent himself.
Another popular contributing artist was Tiger, a nonverbal artist, who used his obsession with ACDC to create some awesome artwork, fusing rock and indigenous art.
In the studio at the gallery, we were able to use the works of Namatjira to inspire portraits of pop culture figures, or our classmates! Everyone created a piece of work, which will be displayed back at school.
A very cultural day was topped off with a stop at HJ and KFC, where we ate lunch. It was fabulous to see students interacting across year levels and engaging with art.
Thank you to BHP, the front office staff, Eric our driver, and our supervising teachers.
Thanks also to the knowledgeable guides at AGSA and Judith Sweetman for running our studio session. It was fantastic.
Congratulations to the students involved, you were all once again fantastic ambassadors for our school.

Kuipo Excursion
Students from FLO/Coastal took on the challenges of the grand course at Adelaide Tree-climb's Kuitpo Forest location. It was perfect weather for the students to spend a couple of hours amongst the trees. It was great to see the students push themselves so far out of their comfort zone at heights, challenging themselves to take on the next course or set a personal record on a previous one.

Bahasa Indonesia - Yr 4-6
Over the past few Indonesian lessons, we have been writing skits about games we have or haven't played and exchanging friendly banter about who will win.
Some of us had fun putting on some wigs and Indonesian clothes to add to our recorded performances of our conversations.

South Coast Recycle
Job labourer-Part time (Hrs to be negotiated)
Opening times
9am to 2pm Mon to Fri and
9am to 12noon on Saturdays
Please contact.
Grant Levy 0419843244