Yankalilla Out of School Hours Care And Vacation Care

The Yankalilla Out of School Hours and Vacation Care program is for primary aged children and is located in the white building opposite the school (known as ‘The Annexe’). The OSHC service is a child-focused place where:

Children, families and staff are treated as equal and valued individuals. The value of play is important and children have opportunities for challenge. Children are encouraged to develop to their full potential within a safe, caring. Comfortable and supportive environment.

Our service aims to provide quality care, which compliments the care given within the family. Each child will be treated as an individual in an atmosphere where curiosity, initiative and self esteem will be fostered and needs and rights respected. We will endeavour to create opportunities for children to develop socially, intellectually, physically and emotionally by providing a variety of challenging, rewarding, relaxing and fun activities for them to participate in.

We also provide staff members who are appropriately qualified and skilled while being supportive, caring, friendly and approachable to children, families and carers. We will encourage all lines of communication to be kept open to build up trust and promote a partnership in the care of the children.

We aim to offer a service that enables parents to leave their children in the comfort of knowing they will be well cared for in a supervised manner, while enabling the children to feel safe and free to enjoy the time they spend in the service.

If you would like to enrol your child into YOSHC, please complete the 2025 Enrolment Form.

Programs for upcoming Vacation Care will be published in the school newsletter. You can also download a copy of the Vacation Care program for Christmas HERE

Payments for OSHC can be made via BPoint at https://www.bpoint.com.au/pay/yankalillaareabchooloshc

Find out more about the program in the YOSHC Parent Pack or enquire at the school front office.

Enquiries can be made with the Director, Gill Bolton, on 0401 717 021.


Before School:        Monday - Friday 7.30am - 8.45am

After School:          Monday 2.25 - 6.00pm and Tuesday-Friday 3.15 - 6.00pm      

Pupil Free Days:     7.30am - 6.00pm                          

Vacation Care:        7.30am - 6.00pm