

Our Wellbeing team at Yankalilla Area School understand the importance of holistic support of our students, addressing not only academic needs but also the social, emotional, and mental wellbeing of each individual.

We aim to support a. school community where students can connect, belong and grow with pride

Our wellbeing team is dedicated to providing students with the connections, resources and skills they need to successfully navigate their lives and become confident, resilient, and compassionate individuals who are capable of facing life's challenges.

YAS Wellbeing Hub

The Wellbeing Hub is located in the main administration building and consists of individual private office spaces to accommodate 1:1 confidential appointments.


Contact the Wellbeing Team

Caregivers and Students are encouraged to discuss their needs or concerns with  teacher(s) who are the first point of contact. Teachers may then refer a matter to the Wellbeing Team. 

Alternatively, students, staff and families can make a referral to the Wellbeing Team through the following process.


Wellbeing Referral Process

For urgent or high-risk referrals (eg. risk of harm to self or others, police involvement etc), please contact the Student Wellbeing Team via email: dl.0766.wellbeing@schools.sa.edu.au or report concerns directly to Student Services.

To meet with the Wellbeing Team (Student Wellbeing Leader, wellbeing staff, or Pastoral Care Worker) please take one of the following actions:



  1. Speak to your Teacher or Sub School Leader, or
  2. go to Student Services and ask to see member of the Wellbeing Team, or
  3. Email the Wellbeing Team at dl.0766.wellbeing@schools.sa.edu.au


Parents and families:

  1. Discuss student concerns with the Teacher or relevant Sub School Leader who can support you by placing a wellbeing referral, or
  2. Email the Wellbeing Team at dl.0766.wellbeing@schools.sa.edu.au

You will receive a response from The Wellbeing Team within 24 hours. In the meantime, you may like to utilise one of the below resources:




At Yankalilla Area School, we believe that Student attendance at school is a key driver of success both academically and socially. Research shows that absenteeism can increase social isolation, including alienation and lack of engagement with the school community and peers, leading to emotional and behavioural difficulties (Carroll, 2013; Gottfried, 2014). It is also associated with an increased likelihood of drop-out (Keppens & Spruyt, 2017; London, Sanchez, Castrechini, & Castrechini, 2016). It is important that families support their students to be at school every day



One or two days a week doesn’t seem like much but…

If you miss…

That equals…

Which is…

And over 13 years of schooling that’s…

One day per fortnight

20 days per year

4 weeks per year

Nearly 1 years

One day per week

40 days per year

8 weeks per year

Nearly 2 years

2 days per week

80 days per year

16 weeks per year

Over 5 years

3 days per week

120 days per year

24 weeks per year

Nearly 8 years


How about 10 minutes late a day? Surely that won’t affect me?

Missing just…

That equals…

Which is…

And over 13 years of schooling that’s…

10 minutes per day

50 minutes per week

Nearly 1 weeks per year

Nearly  a year

20 minutes per day

1 hr 40 minutes per week

Over 2 weeks per year

Nearly 1 year

30 minutes per day

2 hrs 30 minutes per week

4 weeks per year

Nearly 1 years

1 hour per day

1 day per week

8 weeks per year

Over 2 years


If you want to be successful at school then YES,

attendance does matter!